CLIP4HOI: Towards Adapting CLIP for Practical Zero-Shot HOI Detection

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Yunyao Mao, Jiajun Deng, Wengang Zhou, Li Li, Yao Fang, Houqiang Li


Zero-shot Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection aims to identify both seen and unseen HOI categories. A strong zero-shot HOI detector is supposed to be not only capable of discriminating novel interactions but also robust to positional distribution discrepancy between seen and unseen categories when locating human-object pairs. However, top-performing zero-shot HOI detectors rely on seen and predefined unseen categories to distill knowledge from CLIP and jointly locate human-object pairs without considering the potential positional distribution discrepancy, leading to impaired transferability. In this paper, we introduce CLIP4HOI, a novel framework for zero-shot HOI detection. CLIP4HOI is developed on the vision-language model CLIP and ameliorates the above issues in the following two aspects. First, to avoid the model from overfitting to the joint positional distribution of seen human-object pairs, we seek to tackle the problem of zero-shot HOI detection in a disentangled two-stage paradigm. To be specific, humans and objects are independently identified and all feasible human-object pairs are processed by Human-Object interactor for pairwise proposal generation. Second, to facilitate better transferability, the CLIP model is elaborately adapted into a fine-grained HOI classifier for proposal discrimination, avoiding data-sensitive knowledge distillation. Finally, experiments on prevalent benchmarks show that our CLIP4HOI outperforms previous approaches on both rare and unseen categories, and sets a series of state-of-the-art records under a variety of zero-shot settings.