Neurosymbolic Deep Generative Models for Sequence Data with Relational Constraints

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Halley Young, Maxwell Du, Osbert Bastani


There has been significant recent progress designing deep generative models that generate realistic sequence data such as text or music. Nevertheless, it remains difficult to incorporate high-level structure to guide the generative process, and many such models perform well on local coherence, but less so on global coherence. We propose a novel approach for incorporating global structure in the form of relational constraints between different subcomponents of an example (e.g., lines of a poem or measures of music). Our generative model has two parts: (i) one model to generate a realistic set of relational constraints, and (ii) a second model to generate realistic data satisfying these constraints. For model (i), we propose a constrained optimization algorithm that infers the relational constraints present in the training data, and then learn a generative model based on the resulting constraint data. In our experiments, we show that our approach significantly improves over state-of-the-art in terms of capturing high-level structure in the data, while performing comparably or better in terms of low-level structure. We also show that using constrained optimization for part (ii) as well leads to increased controllability with little decrease in quality compared to pure learning-based models.