On Scalable Testing of Samplers

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Yash Pote, Kuldeep S Meel


In this paper we study the problem of testing of constrained samplers over high-dimensional distributions with $(\varepsilon,\eta,\delta)$ guarantees. Samplers are increasingly used in a wide range of safety-critical ML applications, and hence the testing problem has gained importance. For $n$-dimensional distributions, the existing state-of-the-art algorithm, $\mathsf{Barbarik2}$, has a worst case query complexity of exponential in $n$ and hence is not ideal for use in practice. Our primary contribution is an exponentially faster algorithm, $\mathsf{Barbarik3}$, that has a query complexity linear in $n$ and hence can easily scale to larger instances. We demonstrate our claim by implementing our algorithm and then comparing it against $\mathsf{Barbarik2}$. Our experiments on the samplers $\mathsf{wUnigen3}$ and $\mathsf{wSTS}$, find that $\mathsf{Barbarik3}$ requires $10\times$ fewer samples for $\mathsf{wUnigen3}$ and $450\times$ fewer samples for $\mathsf{wSTS}$ as compared to $\mathsf{Barbarik2}$.