An Improved Scheme for Detection and Labelling in Johansson Displays

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (NIPS 2003)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Claudio Fanti, Marzia Polito, Pietro Perona


Consider a number of moving points, where each point is attached to a joint of the human body and projected onto an image plane. Johannson showed that humans can effortlessly detect and recog- nize the presence of other humans from such displays. This is true even when some of the body points are missing (e.g. because of occlusion) and unrelated clutter points are added to the display. We are interested in replicating this ability in a machine. To this end, we present a labelling and detection scheme in a probabilistic framework. Our method is based on representing the joint prob- ability density of positions and velocities of body points with a graphical model, and using Loopy Belief Propagation to calculate a likely interpretation of the scene. Furthermore, we introduce a global variable representing the body’s centroid. Experiments on one motion-captured sequence suggest that our scheme improves on the accuracy of a previous approach based on triangulated graph- ical models, especially when very few parts are visible. The im- provement is due both to the more general graph structure we use and, more significantly, to the introduction of the centroid variable.