How to Select Which Active Learning Strategy is Best Suited for Your Specific Problem and Budget

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Guy Hacohen, Daphna Weinshall


In the domain of Active Learning (AL), a learner actively selects which unlabeled examples to seek labels from an oracle, while operating within predefined budget constraints. Importantly, it has been recently shown that distinct query strategies are better suited for different conditions and budgetary constraints. In practice, the determination of the most appropriate AL strategy for a given situation remains an open problem. To tackle this challenge, we propose a practical derivative-based method that dynamically identifies the best strategy for a given budget. Intuitive motivation for our approach is provided by the theoretical analysis of a simplified scenario. We then introduce a method to dynamically select an AL strategy, which takes into account the unique characteristics of the problem and the available budget. Empirical results showcase the effectiveness of our approach across diverse budgets and computer vision tasks.