Mixed-Initiative Multiagent Apprenticeship Learning for Human Training of Robot Teams

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Esmaeil Seraj, Jerry Xiong, Mariah Schrum, Matthew Gombolay


Extending recent advances in Learning from Demonstration (LfD) frameworks to multi-robot settings poses critical challenges such as environment non-stationarity due to partial observability which is detrimental to the applicability of existing methods. Although prior work has shown that enabling communication among agents of a robot team can alleviate such issues, creating inter-agent communication under existing Multi-Agent LfD (MA-LfD) frameworks requires the human expert to provide demonstrations for both environment actions and communication actions, which necessitates an efficient communication strategy on a known message spaces. To address this problem, we propose Mixed-Initiative Multi-Agent Apprenticeship Learning (MixTURE). MixTURE enables robot teams to learn from a human expert-generated data a preferred policy to accomplish a collaborative task, while simultaneously learning emergent inter-agent communication to enhance team coordination. The key ingredient to MixTURE's success is automatically learning a communication policy, enhanced by a mutual-information maximizing reverse model that rationalizes the underlying expert demonstrations without the need for human generated data or an auxiliary reward function. MixTURE outperforms a variety of relevant baselines on diverse data generated by human experts in complex heterogeneous domains. MixTURE is the first MA-LfD framework to enable learning multi-robot collaborative policies directly from real human data, resulting in ~44% less human workload, and ~46% higher usability score.