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NeurIPS 2019
Sun Dec 8th through Sat the 14th, 2019 at Vancouver Convention Center
Paper ID:3094
Title:Mixtape: Breaking the Softmax Bottleneck Efficiently

Reviewer 1

This work deals with the softmax bottleneck problem, which is noticed by Yang et al. (2017). Departing from the mixture of softmax used by previous work, which is computationally expensive, this work proposes to elementwise gating technique, which could potentially get around the softmax bottleneck problem by taking one single softmax computation. The gating vectors are efficiently computed with a series of sigmoid functions organize in a tree structure, and gate sharing is used to further promote efficiency. Empirical evaluation on machine translation and language modeling shows that the proposed method is able to achieve comparable accuracy to the mixture of softmax baseline with much less computation cost. Overall I think this is a solid work: it clearly presents an interesting idea, which yields strong empirical performance. Details: - Broken pointer in line 132. - Line 115, on the rank of \hat{A}_{Mistape}. If I understand it correctly, $\Pi_k$ matrix and elementwise product could bump the rank up, due to rank(A\odot B) \leq rank(A)rank(B). Therefore a Mixtape model with K=1 could potentially yield a high-rank log probability matrix. Have the authors considered comparing to this baseline? - Adding onto the above point, I suggest the authors tone down a bit the argument that it is , unless a lower bound can be derived (which I think is tricky to do). And it would be interesting to empirically see its rank in practice.

Reviewer 2

POS-AUTHOR FEEDBACK I thank the authors for their feedback and clarifications. I have increased my score based on those answers, and trusting that the promised modifications will appear in the final version. I would strongly encourage to make the release of the code as easy to use as possible, ideally with plugins for major platforms. This would not only increase citations, but have a direct impact in a number of use-cases ORIGINAL REVIEW This paper addresses the softmax bottleneck problem: resolving it has shown to significantly improve results when the output is over a large space (eg: NLP). However, current solutions are very costly. This papers contributes with a tradeoff between efficiency and cost: it obtains worse results than the full mixture-of-softmax, but does so much cheaper. There is much to like of this paper, as it contributes an important tool. I believe however that the impact would be much higher if the authors would provide a “plug-and-play” layer for at least one popular deep learning toolkit. People don’t use the best algorithm, the use the best one available. Improvement-wise: - Some technical comments are only glossed over and would merit a more detailed discussion: o Line 117: “is therefore high-rank”. This seems very important, but this comment is never proved or expanded upon o Same applies for line 157: “partially high-rank”. What does this mean? o Line 121 (footnote 1 p4): the priors need to sum to one. I don’t see why they need to. The footnote just details that worse performance are obtained. This seems rather a crucial point as solving it would render 3.2 and 3.3 unnecessary. Similarly, the author seems to assume that softmax is the only normalization technique. Why not trying simple (l1) norm? This would avoid the exp computation - There is a huge amount of hyper-parameter optimization going on. Different from what is said in the reproducibility criteria (“The range of hyper-parameters considered, method to select the best hyper-parameter configuration, and specification of all hyper-parameters used to generate results.”), it is never specified how this is done. This includes setting r (line 169), and non-standard decisions like adding Gaussian noise (185). At the same time, it is not clear what experiments were run by the authors: it seems the translation experiments were not, but then training time is reported in Table 5 - No comparison with [9] is reported Other comments: - it seems that hierarchical softmax could be a way of solving the efficiency problem of the softmax for MoS. As it shares the tree-structure idea of sigmoid tree decomposition, I believe this merits a discussion. - the gate sharing idea is reminiscent of some interpolation techniques from the time of n-gram LM (given different weight to frequent and unfrequent tokens). As at that time, this idea can be used at very different levels to bin parameters: not one per word or one for all unfrequent words but clustering them and sharing the gates across clusters. - Line 132: the Fig cross-reference is not resolved

Reviewer 3

- The motivation of the paper is clear and its contributions are clear (see section 1). - The method was well written. - Experiments are strong. - The paper is overall well written, but the preliminary parts explaining 'softmax bottleneck' and 'mixture of softmax' was hard to understand without knowing the original papers. - Need more ablation studies about the gate sharing ratio (r) and the number of sigmoids of the sigmoid tree (K) to provide further information about the proposed method to other researchers. - (Misc) Why the method name is Mixtape? Line 132: missing latex reference (??) -------------------------- The rebuttal addressed my concerns on their rebuttal. I believe the author will provide more detailed analysis and experiments in the final paper.