Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NIPS 2017)
Sinong Wang, Ness Shroff
It is well known that, for a linear program (LP) with constraint matrix A∈Rm×n, the Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier converges globally and linearly at a rate O((‖. However, such a rate is related to the problem dimension and the algorithm exhibits a slow and fluctuating tail convergence'' in practice. In this paper, we propose a new variable splitting method of LP and prove that our method has a convergence rate of O(\|\mathbf{A}\|^2\log(1/\epsilon)). The proof is based on simultaneously estimating the distance from a pair of primal dual iterates to the optimal primal and dual solution set by certain residuals. In practice, we result in a new first-order LP solver that can exploit both the sparsity and the specific structure of matrix \mathbf{A} and a significant speedup for important problems such as basis pursuit, inverse covariance matrix estimation, L1 SVM and nonnegative matrix factorization problem compared with current fastest LP solvers.