Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The authors proposed a novel online variational
inference, called memoized online variational inference (MOV inference).
The proposed online algorithm is not technically new. It is not a
stochastic gradient (or step-wise) type online algorithm but an
incremental algorithm which updates parameters by replacing old statistics
with new one. This framework is proposed by Neal & Hinton. The
difference is trivial because Neal & Hinton incremental algorithm is
based on the EM algorithm and updates parameters for each data point,
while the proposed inference is based on the variational inference and
updates parameters for each batch.
The authors proposed a novel
framework for adapting the number of topics, called birth and merge
method. The existing construction of the new components is either
heuristic or highly specialized to the particular model. The proposed
birth moves can add many new components at once, and are applicable to any
exponential family mixture model. This framework is interesting and a
strong point. However, even if the existing work is either heuristic
or highly specialized to the particular model, you should compare the
existing methods with the proposed method such as [4] and [12]. In
particular, [4] and [12] can be applicable for the Gaussian mixture model.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
The birth and merge algorithm is interesting.
However, the experimental setting is not convincing. The
stochastic variational inference is not state-of-the-art in the
truncation-free setting.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The authors propose a novel method for performing
memory efficient inference in Dirichlet Process (DP) models. There are two
key advances presented in this work: memoized online (MO) learning of the
model parameters using small subsets of data; an efficient birth-merge
move for dynamically altering the truncation level of the stick breaking
The first advance is quite similar to approaches
for memoized learning with EM algorithms. To my knowledge this approach
has not been applied to non-paramteric Bayesian models however, which is
the major novelty of this part of the work.
The birth merge move
is in my view the more interesting advance in this paper, as it elegantly
handles the issue of proposing births while keeping a limited subset of
the data in memory. In the results section the authors apply the model to
several synthetic and real datasets and show that MO learning is able to
escape local optima, particularly when used with the birth merge move.
The paper is generally well written and easy to follow. There are
some small points (listed below) which would make the exposition easier to
follow and the experiments reproducible. In particular the specific
settings for the birth merge parameters would be useful. The work is a
nice synthesis of previous work in different settings along with some
novel contributions. The problem of scaling DPs to large datasets is
generally important since it allows for clustering with automatic
inference of model complexity. The authors method is simple to implement,
efficient and (except for births or merges) maintains the monotonic
increase of the lower bound.
Minor Revisions:
- The
exposition of the memoized batch updates is excellent and can be readily
implemented from the authors description. One thing which would make it
even easier would be if the authors were to provide the complete set of
update equations for the Gaussian emission used in the experiments in a
supplemental file. This would be particularly helpful to readers not
familiar with VB methods, for example the computation of $E_{q}[log w_{k}
- When trying to implement the birth/merge moves I found
the following points could be clarified in the text or a supplemental file
with pseudo code:
1) How was $N'$ (the size of the birth batches)
set in the experiments.
2) How was the DP fit in the creation step
of the birth move. That is was Gibbs, batch VB, etc. used. I assume batch
VB was used but it not stated explicitly as far a I can see.
How exactly are the sufficient statistics inflated to protect newborn
clusters in the third phase of the birth proposals.
4) For the
merge moves clarify what exactly is cached to compute the entropy term. Is
it a single set O(K^2) values or one set of values per batch.
The authors mention where components are inserted and deleted in the size
biased ordering of the stick lengths several times. Could they clarify the
significance of these choices.
- I am not sure why the authors did
not compare against stochastic online methods using adaptive learning
rates, which is in reference [2] from the paper.
- I found the
bottom row of figure 2 somewhat confusing. What do the colours used in the
covariance matrix indicate?
- It would be great if the code for
this method and the other methods used in the comparisons could be made
available. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
A good paper which is worthy of publication after some
small revisions. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The proposed "memoized online variational inference"
is a natural technique for exploiting the additivity of sufficient
statistics for a certain class of exponential family probabilistic models.
At it's core, the method is simply propagating information between the
global and local latent random variables more frequently than traditional
VB. In some of my previous research I've actually used this technique for
a specific model, and assumed it was a standard trick for VB (& not
knowing of the authors' research), and found that it greatly improved my
results. So I can independently attest that memoized updates should be
highly applicable/beneficial to VB practitioners. I'm glad to see a paper
explicitly work out the updates.
The birth/merge updates are neat,
but they're still heuristics: on line 216 the authors mention that
"construction of these new components is either heuristic [4] or highly
specialized...In contrast our birth moves..." when referring to previous
work (but their method is entirely heuristic as well). Other than that,
these heuristics seem well-thought-out, and I plan to give them a shot in
some of my own work.
How exactly does the citation on line 202 (to
[11]: A stochastic gradient method with an exponential convergence rate
for finite training sets) motivate your use of cached gradients?
The experiments seem solid, but I encourage the authors to release
their experimental code. Of course, the conclusions drawn in this section
are data/model dependent, but the authors make an above-average effort to
understand their algorithm and test on a number of different
circumstances/data. I appreciate that the authors separately compared the
memoized algorithm with and without the birth/merge steps.
I would
have liked to see a different model besides the DP-GMM explored: the
memoized result applies to general exponential family models, after-all.
From Figure 2: why does the MO and MO-BM results not depend on the number
of batches? Are the results the same with N batches? I would like to have
seen an analysis of batch size and its effect on the inference results.
The "discussion" section is a misnomer, perhaps use "summary."
NB: The experimental line plots are not discernible when printing
from a black and white printer.
Review summary:
quality of this paper is high: the results are technically sound and the
claims are well supported by their diverse experimental section.
The paper is clearly written and organized.
I would like
to run some of these experiments myself, and while the experimental
section is fairly detailed, a link to the actual experimental code would
be helpful.
The paper is fairly original. My initial perspective
was that their update results were somewhat trivial, but a quick
literature search indicates that their update method is not (explicitly)
in widespread use. It's certainly beneficial to share these types of
helpful tricks to practitioners in our field. Q2: Please
summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
This paper is a solid contribution in VB inference
that applies to a fairly broad class of probabilistic models.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank the reviewers for their helpful comments. In
our paper, we develop memoized online variational bayes (MO-VB), an
inference algorithm that does not require any learning rate and is
insensitive to batch size. Compared to alternative methods like stochastic
online variational (SO-VB), our approach delivers much more consistent
performance without the need for extensive parameter tuning. We would like
to emphasize that while our approach builds on a rich variational
inference literature, it differs in several key respects which are crucial
to its scalability, robustness to initialization (via birth-merge moves),
and applicability to nonparametric models.
HINTON (R1): In some sense, all modern work on variational methods
follows closely from the ideas in Neal & Hinton (and various tutorials
by Jordan and colleagues, and decades-older work in statistical physics).
But there are several novel contributions which do not follow easily,
including: * The nested family of truncations which allows these ideas
to be correctly applied to Bayesian nonparametric models. * The
practical demonstration that compared to SO-VB, the MO-VB approach is
simpler (in implementation and parameter tuning), equally scalable, and
often more accurate. * The development of birth-merge moves which
operate on batches of data, but nevertheless avoid local optima and (in
the case of merges) are guaranteed to increase the full-data likelihood
bound. * Achieving all of this in a framework that is directly
applicable to a broad range of models.
CODE (R5 & R6): We
are pleased that the reviewers show interest in the code for our
algorithms. We are in fact working on an open source, Python software
package which implements the various inference frameworks compared in this
paper for a range of Bayesian nonparametric models (mixture models, topic
models, relational models, time series models, etc.). This code will be
publicly released.
Bryant & Sudderth, NIPS 2012 [4]: In line 347, we do compare our merge
moves (which have provable guarantees to improve the ELBO) to the merges
found in [4], which use only the current minibatch and have no
whole-dataset guarantees. We find that [4]'s merges can cause the ELBO to
drop significantly, as shown in Fig. 2's "GreedyMerge" traces. * Wang
& Blei, NIPS 2012 [12]: This work relies on a local collapsed Gibbs
sampler to create new components. Such samplers are widely known to be
slow to add needed components (and become less effective as dataset size
grows). In some internal experiments, we replaced the batch VB in the
creation step of the birth move with a collapsed gibbs sampler, and found
that speed was slower and performance worse (sometimes slightly, sometimes
substantially). We excluded these comparisons due to space constraints.
* Ranganath et al., ICML 2013 [2]: Code is not available for the SO-VB
adaptive learning rates proposed in this paper, which became available
just before the NIPS deadline. We found the details of their approach too
complex to reproduce. Our MO-VB lacks learning rates entirely, making it
much simpler.
DETAILED COMMENTS: R6: why do MO-VB results not
depend on batch size (Fig. 2)? MO-VB global parameter updates always
account for the whole dataset via memoized sufficient statistics. This
makes our algorithm very insensitive to batch size, since the influence of
each batch is balanced at every update. In contrast, SO-VB is much more
sensitive due to its reliance on the current batch alone.
R6: new
birth moves are well-thought-out, but still should be called "heuristic".
We'll find a better word to describe the differences. Our method is
certainly more general-purpose than prior work: creating new components by
running batchVB on a targeted subsampling of data is applicable to most
popular models.
R5: some algorithm details missing. We
appreciate the detailed list. We'll improve figure captions and add needed
information to a supplement or longer technical report.
R6: would
have liked comparison of MO-VB on another model in addition to GMM. We
are in fact working on extensions to other models, but even fully
describing our work on the GMM was difficult in the NIPS page constraints.
We intend to experiment more broadly in future papers.
connection to ref [11] is unclear. We'll improve the description. Like
our MO-VB approach, [11]'s algorithm exploits additivity to store a
memoized version of a "whole-dataset" gradient that can be updated
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