Log-Linear Models for Label Ranking

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (NIPS 2003)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Ofer Dekel, Yoram Singer, Christopher D. Manning


Label ranking is the task of inferring a total order over a predefined set of labels for each given instance. We present a general framework for batch learning of label ranking functions from supervised data. We assume that each instance in the training data is associated with a list of preferences over the label-set, however we do not assume that this list is either com- plete or consistent. This enables us to accommodate a variety of ranking problems. In contrast to the general form of the supervision, our goal is to learn a ranking function that induces a total order over the entire set of labels. Special cases of our setting are multilabel categorization and hierarchical classification. We present a general boosting-based learning algorithm for the label ranking problem and prove a lower bound on the progress of each boosting iteration. The applicability of our approach is demonstrated with a set of experiments on a large-scale text corpus.