Distributed Neural Information Processing in the Vestibulo-Ocular System

Part of Neural Information Processing Systems 0 (NIPS 1987)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Clifford Lau, Vicente Honrubia


A new distributed neural information-processing

model is proposed to explain the response characteristics of the vestibulo-ocular system and to reflect more accurately the latest anatomical and neurophysiological data on the vestibular afferent fibers and vestibular nuclei. In this model, head motion is sensed topographically by hair cells in the semicircular canals. Hair cell signals are then processed by multiple synapses in the primary afferent neurons which exhibit a continuum of varying dynamics. The model is an application of the concept of "multilayered" neural networks to the description of findings in the bullfrog vestibular nerve, and allows us to formulate mathematically the behavior of an assembly of neurons whose physiological characteristics vary according to their anatomical properties.