Stratified Prediction-Powered Inference for Effective Hybrid Evaluation of Language Models

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Adam Fisch, Joshua Maynez, R. Alex Hofer, Bhuwan Dhingra, Amir Globerson, William W. Cohen


Prediction-powered inference (PPI) is a method that improves statistical estimates based on limited human-labeled data. PPI achieves this by combining small amounts of human-labeled data with larger amounts of data labeled by a reasonably accurate---but potentially biased---automatic system, in a way that results in tighter confidence intervals for certain parameters of interest (e.g., the mean performance of a language model). In this paper, we propose a method called Stratified Prediction-Powered Inference (StratPPI), in which we show that the basic PPI estimates can be considerably improved by employing simple data stratification strategies. Without making any assumptions on the underlying automatic labeling system or data distribution, we derive an algorithm for computing provably valid confidence intervals for parameters of any dimensionality that is based on stratified sampling. In particular, we show both theoretically and empirically that, with appropriate choices of stratification and sample allocation, our approach can provide substantially tighter confidence intervals than unstratified approaches. Specifically, StratPPI is expected to improve in cases where the performance of the autorater varies across different conditional distributions of the target data.