Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Dongyan Lucy Huo, Yixuan Zhang, Yudong Chen, Qiaomin Xie
In this work, we investigate stochastic approximation (SA) with Markovian data and nonlinear updates under constant stepsize α>0. Existing work has primarily focused on either i.i.d. data or linear update rules. We take a new perspective and carefully examine the simultaneous presence of Markovian dependency of data and nonlinear update rules, delineating how the interplay between these two structures leads to complications that are not captured by prior techniques. By leveraging the smoothness and recurrence properties of the SA updates, we develop a fine-grained analysis of the correlation between the SA iterates θk and Markovian data xk. This enables us to overcome the obstacles in existing analysis and establish for the first time the weak convergence of the joint process (xk,θk). Furthermore, we present a precise characterization of the asymptotic bias of the SA iterates, given by E[θ∞]−θ∗=α(b\textupm+b\textupn+b\textupc)+O(α3/2). Here, b\textupm is associated with the Markovian noise, b\textupn is tied to the nonlinearity of the SA operator, and notably, b\textupc represents a multiplicative interaction between the Markovian noise and the nonlinearity of the operator, which is absent in previous works. As a by-product of our analysis, we derive finite-time bounds on higher moment E[||θk−θ∗||2p] and present non-asymptotic geometric convergence rates for the iterates, along with a Central Limit Theorem.