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Near-Optimal Regret Bounds for Multi-batch Reinforcement Learning

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Zihan Zhang, Yuhang Jiang, Yuan Zhou, Xiangyang Ji


In this paper, we study the episodic reinforcement learning (RL) problem modeled by finite-horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with constraint on the number of batches. The multi-batch reinforcement learning framework, where the agent is required to provide a time schedule to update policy before everything, which is particularly suitable for the scenarios where the agent suffers extensively from changing the policy adaptively. Given a finite-horizon MDP with S states, A actions and planning horizon H, we design a computational efficient algorithm to achieve near-optimal regret of ˜O(SAH3Kln(1/δ))\footnote{˜O() hides logarithmic terms of (S,A,H,K)} in K episodes using O(H+log2log2(K)) batches with confidence parameter δ. To our best of knowledge, it is the first ˜O(SAH3K) regret bound with O(H+log2log2(K)) batch complexity. Meanwhile, we show that to achieve ˜O(poly(S,A,H)K) regret, the number of batches is at least Ω(H/logA(K)+log2log2(K)), which matches our upper bound up to logarithmic terms.Our technical contribution are two-fold: 1) a near-optimal design scheme to explore over the unlearned states; 2) an computational efficient algorithm to explore certain directions with an approximated transition model.ion model.