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Empirical Risk Minimization in Non-interactive Local Differential Privacy Revisited

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018)

Bibtex Metadata Paper Reviews Supplemental


Di Wang, Marco Gaboardi, Jinhui Xu


In this paper, we revisit the Empirical Risk Minimization problem in the non-interactive local model of differential privacy. In the case of constant or low dimensions (pn), we first show that if the loss function is (,T)-smooth, we can avoid a dependence of the sample complexity, to achieve error α, on the exponential of the dimensionality p with base 1/α ({\em i.e.,} αp), which answers a question in \cite{smith2017interaction}. Our approach is based on polynomial approximation. Then, we propose player-efficient algorithms with 1-bit communication complexity and O(1) computation cost for each player. The error bound is asymptotically the same as the original one. With some additional assumptions, we also give an efficient algorithm for the server. In the case of high dimensions (np), we show that if the loss function is a convex generalized linear function, the error can be bounded by using the Gaussian width of the constrained set, instead of p, which improves the one in \cite{smith2017interaction}.