Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016)
Thibaut Horel, Yaron Singer
We study the problem of maximizing a function that is approximately submodular under a cardinality constraint. Approximate submodularity implicitly appears in a wide range of applications as in many cases errors in evaluation of a submodular function break submodularity. Say that F is \eps-approximately submodular if there exists a submodular function f such that (1−\eps)f(S)≤F(S)≤(1+\eps)f(S) for all subsets S. We are interested in characterizing the query-complexity of maximizing F subject to a cardinality constraint k as a function of the error level \eps>0. We provide both lower and upper bounds: for \eps>n−1/2 we show an exponential query-complexity lower bound. In contrast, when \eps<1/k or under a stronger bounded curvature assumption, we give constant approximation algorithms.