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Thresholding Procedures for High Dimensional Variable Selection and Statistical Estimation

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22 (NIPS 2009)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Shuheng Zhou


Given n noisy samples with p dimensions, where np, we show that the multi-stage thresholding procedures can accurately estimate a sparse vector β\Rp in a linear model, under the restricted eigenvalue conditions (Bickel-Ritov-Tsybakov 09). Thus our conditions for model selection consistency are considerably weaker than what has been achieved in previous works. More importantly, this method allows very significant values of s, which is the number of non-zero elements in the true parameter β. For example, it works for cases where the ordinary Lasso would have failed. Finally, we show that if X obeys a uniform uncertainty principle and if the true parameter is sufficiently sparse, the Gauss-Dantzig selector (Cand\{e}s-Tao 07) achieves the 2 loss within a logarithmic factor of the ideal mean square error one would achieve with an oracle which would supply perfect information about which coordinates are non-zero and which are above the noise level, while selecting a sufficiently sparse model.