Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17 (NIPS 2004)
Francis R. Bach, Romain Thibaux, Michael I. Jordan
The problem of learning a sparse conic combination of kernel functions or kernel matrices for classification or regression can be achieved via the regularization by a block 1-norm [1]. In this paper, we present an al- gorithm that computes the entire regularization path for these problems. The path is obtained by using numerical continuation techniques, and involves a running time complexity that is a constant times the complex- ity of solving the problem for one value of the regularization parameter. Working in the setting of kernel linear regression and kernel logistic re- gression, we show empirically that the effect of the block 1-norm reg- ularization differs notably from the (non-block) 1-norm regularization commonly used for variable selection, and that the regularization path is of particular value in the block case.